我想,大家最近一定都會很感嘆「民主素養」的重要。話說素養這個字,大部分的英文都是使用「literacy」。Literacy的意思就是「the ability to read and write」,翻成中文,就是閱讀和寫作的能力。看起來好像很簡單,但是「素養」一向在哲學、倫理學、政治學、社會學這些殿堂上都是個大學問。也就是說,不是光只要能寫,能讀就可以有素養了。而必須去深層地審視你讀了什麼?咀嚼了什麼?思考了什麼?寫下了什麼?
相信熟讀世界哲學、倫理學、政治學、社會學思想的人一定都多多少少有耳聞過大師Hook(不是虎克船長喔!而是Sidney Hook。)的歸納結論。雖然這樣引用其實非常地「斷章取義」,但是我相信他當年所列出來的十項原則,在於我們思考、檢視、審思所謂自己和別人的「民主素養」的時候是十分有用的!(就拿來當SOP也是不錯的啦!)
原典是Hook大師1954年的大作《The Ethnics of Controversy》。十項原則,我就不英翻中了。(反正網路那麼發達,通常瀏覽器都提供鼠標滑過,中文字義就直接出現的功能!不然也可以直接連結電子字典查明字義。最糟、最糟,也就是動手查字典而已嘛!也是項不錯的休閒運動啦!)
1. Nothing and no one is immune from criticism.
2. Everyone involved in a controversy has an intellectual responsibility to inform himself of the available facts.
3. Criticism should be directed first to policies, and against persons only when they are responsible for policies, and against their motives or purposes only when there is some independent evidence of their character.
4. Because certain words are legally permissible, they are not therefore morally permissible.
5. Before impugning an opponent’s motives, even when they legitimately may be impugned, answer his arguments.
6. Do not treat an opponent of a policy as if he were therefore a personal enemy of the country or a concealed enemy of democracy.
7. Since a good cause may be defended by bad arguments, after answering the bad arguments for another’s position present positive evidence for your own.
8. Do not hesitate to admit lack of knowledge or to suspend judgment if evidence is not decisive either way.
9. Only in pure logic and mathematics, not in human affairs, can one demonstrate that something is strictly impossible. Because something is logically possible, it is not therefore probable. "It is not impossible" is a preface to an irrelevant statement about human affairs. The question is always one of the balance of probabilities. And the evidence for probabilities must include more than abstract possibilities.
10. The cardinal sin, when we are looking for truth of fact or wisdom of policy, is refusal to discuss, or action which blocks discussion. (Hook 1954, 122)