本來想說連續寫了兩篇批判文章之後,想要一改風格,改走氣質路線,但是今天又看見一件「好離譜」的事情!忍不住要來碎碎唸一下!事情就是發生在十一月十四日。美國天主教的主教會議(U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)接受了指導方針(Guidelines),而這個指導方針真是自我矛盾到了極點。對於整個事件,我想,我只能說,天主教要是不是整個教會瘋瘋去,就是已經精神分裂到病入膏肓的境界了!讓我們來看看有哪些瘋癲症狀吧!
× 但是這些人應該保持低調,只應該向他們親近的家人和朋友述說,而且不應該有同性性行為。」
很好笑吧!所以就是要人繼續「Stay in the closet,而且還要禁慾喔!」更好笑的事情是,如果這些人真的只跟親近的家人和朋友述說,那麼,神父和教會根本不會知道呀!所以,那麼同性戀就不存在了嗎?真是好一個「眼不見為淨」的因信稱義呀!
× 但是,如果有同性性行為的人不可以領聖餐。」
精神分裂瘋癲的最高潮是在Arthur Serratelli主教發表的言論:
×××「因為同性性行為無法完全人類情慾的自然目標,在道德上永遠無法被接受。如此的行為更不可能帶領人們找到真正人生的快樂。」(Because homosexual acts cannot fulfil the natural end of human sexuality they are never morally acceptable. Such act furthermore do not lead to true human happiness.)
好吧!我們現在可以證明強姨(Elton John)的真知灼見了!就把這種反同的宗教通通禁絕(ban)掉吧!這樣首先就可以避免整個社會跟著瘋癲或是精神分裂!
Towleroad的報導:Catholics to Gays: You'll Never Be Happy
布萊恩報導Council of EU的警告:這不是自助餐台
(by Andy Sullivan)
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - U.S. Catholic bishops said on Tuesday that gay men and women should be welcomed in the church but that those who engage in homosexual activity should not receive Communion.
Guidelines adopted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops encouraged gays and lesbians to participate in the church, while reaffirming long-standing church doctrine that same-sex activity, as with any extramarital sex, is inherently sinful.
"Because homosexual acts cannot fulfill the natural end of human sexuality they are never morally acceptable," said Bishop Arthur Serratelli, who headed the committee that crafted the guidelines. "Such act furthermore do not lead to true human happiness."
The church has publicly wrestled with sex in recent years amid a widespread pedophile priest scandal and the national debate on gay marriage.
The new guidelines acknowledge that gays and lesbians do not choose their sexual orientation and say that homosexual "inclinations" are not in themselves sinful.
But those who feel such inclinations should remain celibate and should not tell anybody other than close friends and family about them, the document says.
The guidelines oppose same-sex marriages and civil unions and adoption by gay couples, though they say children of gay couples can be baptized. Those who are openly gay should not serve as priests or nuns, the guidelines say.
The head of a group of gay Catholics said the new policy would only drive gays and lesbians further from the church.
"They tell people they should just stay in the closet. It's not a healthy approach for anyone," said Sam Sinnett, president of the gay Catholic group DignityUSA, in a phone interview.