
World AIDS Day 2009
Do Something!
Support World AIDS Day
12月1日是世界愛滋日(World AIDS Day)。這個日子是為了提醒世人,我們現在還在打一場對抗AIDS的戰爭。相關更多的資訊,可以參考World AIDS Day官網

5 things you can do to Respect & Protect:

1. Find out the facts about HIV and talk to friends, family and colleagues about HIV - make sure they know the reality, not the myths.

2. Know your HIV status: get tested if you have put yourself at risk.

3. Talk to all new sexual partners about using condoms. Using a condom during sex (especially vaginal or anal sex) is the best way to protect yourself and your partner from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

4. If someone tells you they are HIV positive, treat them with respect and don't tell others without their agreement.

5. Wear a red ribbon as a symbol of your support for everyone affected by HIV, and to raise awareness.

    創作者 bryan1974 的頭像

    Brilliant Bry *:歡樂吧!生命

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