(Photo Source: Towleroad, "Protect Marriage, Prohibit Divorce")
自從加州公投通過Prop. 8之後,大家當然都很解。住在加州,有投票權的人大概感覺很無力。住在加州外面睜大眼看著投票結果的人,大概真的瞠目結舌:「加州你們在搞什麼鬼呀!?」怎麼又把婚姻界定成一男一女之間的事情哩?
「Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.」好強大的殺傷力呀!是不是大家又感覺整個世界有種要開倒車的趨勢?
A Petition for a California State Proposition that Prohibits Divorce Between Heterosexual Married Couples
Divorce destroys the sanctity of marriage and its powerful influence on the betterment of society. This proposition would keep the very meaning of marriage from being transformed into nothing more than a contractual relationship between two adults. Prohibiting divorce between heterosexual married couples will keep the interests of children and families intact. We will continue to celebrate marriage as the union of husband and wife, not as a relationship between “Party A” and “Party B.” The marriage of a man and a woman has been at the heart of society since the beginning of time and it promotes the ideal opportunity for children to be raised by a mother and a father in a family held together by the legal, communal, and spiritual bonds of marriage. As a society we should put the best interests of children first, and those interests lie in traditional marriage. Permitting divorce destroys marriage as we know it and causes a profound harm to society. We should be restoring marriage, not undermining it.
And for those of you who voted yes on Prop 8 but disagree with this petition...Why? This petition is copied and pasted from literature from your website, ProtectMarriage.com, but applied to Divorce instead of Gay Marriage. So how can you argue with your own words?
We did it, California. We protected marriage and we protected children by voting yes on Prop 8. But we can't stop there. We must continue to protect marriage and to protect children. That is why we are asking you to sign our petition to prohibit divorce between heterosexual married couples.
Thank you for considering our petition.