
Save yourself a bottle
Come sheltering in from the rain
Let all your weariness settle
Here’s some comfort to your pain

I heard your lonesome sighs
I saw your jaded eyes
You said you could really use some hugs
To warm up and melt the ice

You said life’s a riddle
You wanted to know your pair
But everyone’s a struggle
Not all the troubles would be spared

Perhaps I didn’t satisfy
All the queries on your mind
But I wish I’d really share some hugs
So you’d get some comfort tonight

I ain’t gonna tell you it’s gonna be alright
I ain’t gonna say tomorrow’s gonna be fine
But I think you’d be strong enough to face the fight
And to disclose what in the future lies

    創作者 bryan1974 的頭像

    Brilliant Bry *:歡樂吧!生命

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