
這真是一篇很精彩的介紹,請看紐約時報(New York Times)的專欄作家David Pogue的解疑篇:「Windows Vista真的沒有抄襲Mac OS X啦!」(雖然影片是英文,可是,一點也不難懂喔!就算靜音光看畫面,也絲毫不會有阻礙呢!)

There is a very interesting video introduction  on how different the new WIndows Vista is from the old Mac OS X. And it's really amazing the effort Microsoft has spent on developing this project in the past 5 years! Thanks to David Pogue, a journalist from New York Times on this brilliant introduction. What can I say? It's just so... so... so much fun to see (t)his comparison.

Well, of course, I will still use my cute little Mac OS X geared iBook. (Although, I am tempted to go for a shining grey MBP... But that's still the same story!) Hahaha! Once you use a Mac, why would you give up a real one for a fake thing? (grin) (Especially when vista is everywhere...)

David Pogue最後大喊,「V for Vista, Baby!」不過卻比了一個XXZLL(謝謝再連絡)的手勢!大家還是早早跳槽用個可愛的Mac OS X吧!Leopard要出閘囉! 

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    Brilliant Bry *:歡樂吧!生命

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