
Carole King(卡洛金)在1971年有一首很紅很紅的熟女之歌「It’s Too Late」。那是那一年葛萊美獎的最佳年度歌曲。也是蟬聯排行榜冠軍五星期的歌曲。單曲背面的另一首歌則是另一首有名的歌曲「I Feel The Earth Move」。

It’s too late,字面上直接翻譯過來就是中文的「太遲啦!」。為什麼事情大呼「太遲了」呢?卡洛金描述著,她躺在床上整個早上,什麼事情也沒有作,只是殺殺時間罷了!為什麼什麼事情也沒有做地浪費大好光陰哩?因為,她心裡覺得不對勁。她也不想要再騙自己,還是硬要改變什麼了。過了這山,就看不著那店。該喊停,就要喊停了!



1971年的卡洛金,二十九歲。已經是非常有名的音樂創作才女。這時她已經告別她的第一段八年的婚姻,而在新的婚姻之中三年了。雖然她之前創作了許多暢銷歌曲,但是她自己在1970年的專輯<Writer>其實並沒有太大的成功。她有個知心朋友,James Taylor,不斷地鼓勵她持續創作而且不但是用筆寫在歌曲裡讓他人詮釋,也鼓勵她繼續用自己的聲音唱出自己的生命。所以,1971年的織錦畫專輯<Tapestry>才會一舉獲得全世界的成功。在這張專輯之中,卡洛金可是拿出許多她私密的心底話來與全世界分享。

It’s Too Late (written by Carole King & Toni Stern)

Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time
There’s something wrong here, there can be no denying
One of us is changing
Or maybe we just stopped trying

And it’s too late, baby, now it’s too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can’t hide and I just can’t fake it

It used to be so easy living here with you
You were light and breezy and I knew just what to do
Now you look so unhappy and I feel like a fool

And it’s too late, baby, now it’s too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can’t hide and I just can’t fake it

There’ll be good times again for me and you
But we just can’t stay together, don’t you feel it, too
Still I’m glad for what we had and how I once loved you

But it’s too late, baby, now it’s too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can’t hide and I just can’t fake it

結果還真的就是那句老話,「The quicker you accept what really happened, the quicker you’ll finally be able to move on.」愈早面對現實,也就愈早結束痛苦。解脫,是懂擦乾淚看以後。

    創作者 bryan1974 的頭像

    Brilliant Bry *:歡樂吧!生命

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